has been one of the best finds in my 35 year career. I now spend time
analyzing survey responses rather than crunching data. The software
crunches it so easily for you. I highly recommend you look at webfeedback.com
and improve the timeliness and usability of your survey data."
Assistant Superintendent
San Mateo-Foster City School District
"I couldn't
believe how user friendly it was. The immediate feedback was the best!"
Mission Hill Junior High School
noticed that students took the survey more seriously when they did it
John Muir Middle School
the next day I took the results to my School Site Council and Staff.
They were amazed that we could start using the information immediately
for planning and improvements."
Portal Elementary School
ability to have immediate access to aggregated and desegregated data
proved to be invaluable. We've used it by teacher-team, grade-level
teams to help pinpoint issues."
Technology Coordinator
Mission Hill Junior High School